Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life is Good. Always has been. :)

I would say this is so far my most favorite captured photo since I started my passion for photography. What an awesome God we have that He created a world as beautiful as this.  :)

It is absolutely a sight to behold.

Another year is coming into past, and life goes on. :) This is one of those days where I wish I would wake up to the smell of my mom’s cooking and have all of my siblings all together at one place. I miss my family :)

At this point in my life, I think I am in the right place at the right time in the right circumstances. I got direction in my life, Yay!!! Lol

Having walked to a life – where all the members of my family are safe and healthy – where I get to do what I love doing most, NURSING :) – where I lived in a house that is literally full of Noise, Laughter and Fun – where I get to travel and experience the wonders of His power –where I get to capture a moment and put it in stillness – where I get to wake up each day and experience all these over and over again. This is ultimate bliss =D

I may have lost a few people in my journey, but we are all just passing through each other’s world. And the lessons learned are greatly appreciated. :)

On the other hand, we meet new people… And the story begins =p

To everyone who crossed my world, thank you.

To everyone who chose to stay, regret is always at the end. Lol

And as this photo conveys, the world is amazing. So is my life. Always has been. Cheers. =p

All Glory to HIM :)

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